
Halloween is slowly but surely coming to Norway. Each and every year there seems to be a bigger turnout of trick or treaters, the decorations seem to be a little more diverse and more Norwegians seem a tad more eager to follow along. Halloween is perhaps my favorite holiday. That is, until Christmas comes around and then I claim that is my favorite holiday. I've had more fun with it as an adult than a child and I'm super excited to share this experience with my daughter. But first, I like doing things the American way, of course! :-) Being an American living abroad, it's such a great feeling when you live in a country that is "catching on" to a holiday you grew up with. It's a different feeling when it's a holiday that isn't celebrated in Norway such as Independence Day and Thanksgiving. On these days I wake up and I feel excited because I know these are special days, but no one else around me shares the same excitement. Halloween however, I feel v...