Lost in stores, shopping and crazy expensive stuff
I just have to get this bit of information out of my head and share. I noticed I actually had a difficult time finding things when we were shopping during my trip and I'm not sure how long that will last. I think this is actually odd and it is due to a lifetime of being accustomed to department stores like WalMart, Target, KMart, Mejer, etc. We do have some stores similar to theirs that sell a specific item, but ours are much bigger of course. Stores in Norway are based on the specific items they sell. There's a store named Princess that sells pillows for example. You want a pillow, you go to that store. There's also a store named Kitch'n which of course sells kitchen supplies. I would have thought the opposite, but for whatever reason I found it more difficult to go into a store that specifically sells a product or theme of products than to go into a large department store 100 times bigger. Of course I can't leave this alone without mentioning what all Norwegians...