Application Status: Turned IN!!!

As it's been a bit of a hectic week, I have a lot to update on, but first and foremost the most important thing, the application is turned in. We were able to hand in everything except the apostille on my newest birth certificate which we are still waiting for. We did e-mail the UDI about this situation and had to write a formal letter explaining why we don't have it yet.

After turning in all the documents my husband was complimented on his organization skills (his OCD tendencies do come in handy at times) and we were told since we have a straight forward situation it might not take too long for me to get a residency permit. So that is wonderful news as we were at first thinking it could take around 6 months - which it still very well could of course if something goes wrong!

Once the apostille is mailed back to us, we just have to turn it in for further documentation. As I've received the wrong birth certificate in the beginning, I was able to give that as documentation for the UDI and use my other to send in for the apostille. So it all seems to be working out quite well!

PHEW!!! It's over!!!

This is the follow-up blog to these:
I'm Married. Who's My Husband?


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