Froot Loops

Froot Loops!

Who'd have thought so many Americans would be joyously celebrating Froot Loops' arrival to Norway like it's 1972? Yet here we are. Froot Loops have arrived in Norway. Our bland, unvaried  cereal aisle has become slightly more colorful.

I say slightly because, well, the Froot Loops that have now ascended from cereal heaven to Norway are lacking some color. You know, artificial color! That good ole unhealthy stuff us Americans are so accustomed to eating. When I poured my first bowl of these Froot Loops, my first thought was it looks like a comparison picture of how someone with colorblindness views Froot Loops. My eldest daughter on the other hand exclaimed, "WOW! SO COLORFUL!"

Same taste, just lacking some pigment.

As it turns out, there are some ingredients which are allowed by the FDA, but are not allowed in foods in Europe. Food dyes are one of those things, but if a product has certain dyes in it, they must have a warning label. I suppose it's easier to do without the artificial dyes. 

However, Froot Loops are just as I remembered them. What's next? Pop-Tarts? More than two Oreo flavors? Corn on pizza and tacos? Oh wait.


It’s funny how something as simple as Froot Loops can spark so much excitement! I can imagine the cereal aisle in Norway suddenly feeling like a mini celebration of color, even if it's the “health-conscious” version. The difference in food regulations between the U.S. and Europe always makes for interesting surprises. It’s great that the flavor held up despite the color change—kids really do have a way of appreciating things differently! Now, I’m with you on the real question: when are the Pop-Tarts and more Oreo flavors coming? The corn-on-pizza trend already sneaked in, so anything’s possible!

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