
Showing posts from February, 2018

Minimalism in Scandinavian homes

Before I moved to Norway I remember sitting down with my grannie and talking to her about my upcoming move. She gave me advice on marriage, in-laws, children, living away from family and one little bit of cultural advice that she could relate to. She told me at one point in her life she was a neighbor to a German lady and felt like her own cleaning skills were never up to par to her's. She told me if the Norwegians are anything like the Germans I would probably feel the same. She was correct. My cleaning skills are not up to the Norwegians and I'm not sure they ever will be. I feel like I'm better at tidying up, taking pride in my home and de-cluttering now than I was before moving to Norway, though I'm unsure if it's age, caring more, or adjusting to the culture. Your typical home here in Norway is with white walls, succulents or orchids, and candles. Oh, and it's free of clutter and clean enough to make you wonder how the home owner has time to do anything e