Autumn Decor

A few weeks ago I was introduced to BloomNation - a flower delivery service and was inspired to share some of my own ideas of how I as an expatriate use my own cultural background in my personal decorating with my blog readers.

My husband and I bought our first house last year. When I first moved here to Norway and moved into his apartment I never had the feeling of fully being in my own place. It just felt like I moved into my husband's bachelor pad. Of course I did change a few things, but once we bought our own home I felt like I could completely let loose and feel like our new house was my blank canvas. I do whatever I set my mind to as far as decorating my home - inside and out.

I do like having a bit of American-ism in my decorating. I really love primitives as can be seen in my kitchen. When in America, I enjoy finding primitive decor and bringing it back to my home in Norway. For example, I have a sign in my kitchen I bought from Tennessee that says, "When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." I incorporate milk cans, milk jugs, the head of a rake (to hang potholders and wine glasses), and my own homemade crafts in my home decorating.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons to decorate for. I love the colors and I enjoy the autumn holidays. With Thanksgiving coming up I needed to decorate with what I have for the festivity. As seen below is my current dinner table decoration.

As pictured: Milkcan bought from
Cotton stems (I twisted 5 small ones together to get one large one)
purchased from Søstrene Grene 3 kr a piece.
Burlap banner with Happy Thanksgiving painted on it.
Pumpkins and leaves bought from Nille
Milk bottles from Clas Ohlsen
Artificial flowers ordered from

Lately I've been trying to use what I can find to help decorate for Thanksgiving. Luckily I make a lot of crafts because being an American living in Norway, I have found nothing with a turkey on it. No surprise there!

Feel free to check out BloomNation on Pinterest and also their own site for some decor inspiration!


Babujzk said…
Hei Evelyn,

Are ya'll still in Skien?

I just found your blog, so am digging back through your archives. I relate so much to your experiences! too many to comment on here. But insert my "hhja" (inhaled yesiree :), instead? I'm in Nashville, Tennessee, but live between here and Oslo with my Norsk fiancé. You and your husband and little Pia would be welcome to stay at our house (we have a spare room) in Nashville the next time you are in the states. (I read in an earlier post that that is your next southern city destination of choice).

Just signed up to your newsletter list and looking forward to reading more.


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