5 years

5 years ago I got on a plane headed to Norway with the remaining of my belongings I didn't sell, give away or donate all stuffed in a suitcase and my cat - oh and my newly wedded husband of course. As we landed the weather was a deceptive 90 F degrees. That was our one day of summer that year or at least that's what it felt like.

I've now lived in Norway half a decade.  So much has happened and so much has changed in the past 5 years. I got married. I moved. I started language classes. I had my first child still not knowing the language in the country I lived in. I finished my language classes, though I'm still learning and my language skills are not anywhere near where I'd like them to be. I landed a job that I love! I have managed to visit 13 countries. I've met new people and have some of the best friends I could ask for. My husband and I bought our first house. I have recently begun my independent studies for the Bergenstest. I'm expecting my 2nd child - another little girl. Talk about someone's world being turned upside down in a short time!

I've loved Norway, I've hated Norway and I've felt every emotion in between towards living here.


Leeah said…
Congrats! I am so glad you are here and we are friends!
Jono said…
Maybe I can visit when my brother and I return next year.
David Nikel said…
Congratulations! I think it takes a certain type of person to make it to 5 years over here :-)
Unknown said…
Hi! I am Nerissa, a Filipino living in Italy.
We just started a website dedicated to the lives of all those living in a country other than the one where they were born. Thru PeopleAbroad.org we intend to increase connections, awareness, and understanding among people.
We would like to ask you to contribute to the website by writing one post with photos and/or videos about any region of the world. Your post will be linked to your personal websites, blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter account, and/or anything else you like, in order to promote your own activity.
We could also publish some of your posts as a summary and link them to your website where your articles could be read in full length. If possible, we would also like you to write your story (bio - where you live and how you decided to live your life abroad) – example: https://www.peopleabroad.org/nerissa-filipino-living-in-italy/.
To contribute, it is not necessary to live in a different country from where you were born, but simply to know a bit of the world by having lived, studied, or traveled.
This website is still under construction, we do not have yet made it available to search engines for indexation. We are just starting and that is why your help is essential.
All the best,

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