Ice Ice Baby!

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it" - Charles Dudley Warner

The weather is lovely, isn't it?

This is my 3rd winter in Norway and so far I've been alright with it. (So far!) The darkness hasn't bothered me much like it usually does, the snow has come and gone, but I'm sure will return again, the cold hasn't bothered me much like it has in the previous winters. 

However... we have ICE! Now, okay I'm still a little slow in learning how to dress in the proper attire for "dårlig vær", but HOW do you prepare for ice? Sure, there's the shoe spikes, but I'd like to think there's a hole in the Norwegians' "no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing" phrase. 

Last winter we had a long period of darkness. The sun didn't peek out from behind the clouds for a couple of months and it was just miserable. I was desperately wanting to escape to Spain or Florida for the winter.  Neither of those options were realistic, so I got a lamp for light therapy which I'm not sure really helped or not, but I am using it at least every other day this year when I'm at my desk. If nothing else, it's nice to have a bright light shining in my face. 

See, it's almost like being on the beach! 
Anyways, I try to take my daughter on her walk like I do every day and I can't walk. I already feel like I walk like a drunk in the winter here as I haven't mastered walking skillfully and gracefully on snow and ice as the snow people do. I couldn't even walk out of my driveway and I had to "skate" back to the house and continue to walk my daughter in our yard.

                                   I'm hoping tomorrow will be better for our daily walk.


Anonymous said…
Alot of norwegians go to vacations in the south of Spain/France and mediterranen for a few weeks during the wintertime, as you probably know. I try to go outside when it's daylight whenever I can.
As for the icy roads, I tend to avoid walking on them and rather walk on the side or on the grass/snow. No need to fall and break bones just for the cause of walking on the road ;)

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