Finding a name

We have finally found a name for our Miss "Beansprout." Our guidelines were these:
1) It couldn't be a popular name.
2) It has to be pronounced the same or very similar in both Norway and the US.
3) It couldn't have any more than one spelling.
4) No ÆØÅ or rolling Rs. Mom has to be able to pronounce her daughter's name. ;-)

After going through baby books, websites, suggestions from friends and family and other lists of names, we found the name - something simple, cute and feminine and it's a short and sweet name for a short and sweet little girl. :-)

We were sitting at home and struggling with finding a name we both agreed on until I finally remembered watching some Norwegian-American dating show on TV several months ago (these type of shows bore me, so I only watched a few minutes) and I remember a girl on the show being named the name we chose and I thought it was adorable. So I blurted the name and Arild agreed with me on the name. We tossed the name around at home and only referred to the baby or "Beansprout" as Pia and we loved it. And so her name is Pia! :-)

The meaning of Pia is "pious", "law abiding" or "devout." However, it is a widely international name and the meaning of the name can be "lover" or "the most beloved" depending on where in the world the name is used.

Pia is the 183th most popular girl's name in Norway and it isn't even in the top 1000 in the US. The name is most popular in Scandinavia and Latin countries. There is only one way to spell Pia and even though to me it looks like a simple enough name to say, when I've typed it I've been asked how it's pronounced. It's just like the name Mia, but replace the M with a P and there ya go! :-) There are no ÆØÅs or those dreadful rolling Rs Norwegians like to use so well. :-)

So Pia it is!


Anonymous said…
I think that's a great name! It's very simple and pretty.

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