Alle hjerters dag

Also known as Valentine's Day, February 14th is what Norwegians sometimes call Alle Hjerters Dag.

I've never really been too big on celebrating Valentine's Day. It's just a commercialized holiday anyways. My hubs and I are sort of anti-gift giving for most holidays. We give chocolate and make homemade cards. I think that's sweeter than anything else actually and if we just ignored the holiday completely, I'd be ok with that too. I'd just go out and buy my own chocolate. ;-)

Since we're anti-celebratory, we went to the local dump at my own request. I really just wanted to make room in our over crowded storage room and Saturday was of course a good day to do that.

I love being dumped on Valentine's! 
The day just kept getting better and better. This was my first trip to the local dumping site and I discovered a "bytterom" where one can go and just donate stuff so someone else can take it if they wish. That is my kind of place! :-)

I was shocked to find so many very NEW looking books for toddlers and even a book of dinosaur puzzles which looked as if it had never been used! I even found a book for myself, J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy or Den tomme stolen på norsk. How exciting! Pia was thrilled and so was I!

No creases in the book binding or anything! 

Miss Pia surrounded by her "new" books  and dinosaur puzzle.

After my excitement over the free books, I was finally able to get some pallets. I have been wanting to do pallet projects for so long and I really look forward to finally doing some.

When we arrived home, I fixed our dinner. Yeah, eating out is nice, but come on, we're in Norway. It's expensive. It would have been crowded because every man in a relationship would either be wanting to try and impress his other half or that other half would request to eat at a restaurant. It's really a bad day to eat at a restaurant if you ask me.

Anyways, I made quesadillas. I've recently bought a package of Toro's fruktsuppe or fruit soup. I figured it was worth a try and I made some cinnamon sugar tortillas to go with it. My verdict on the fruit soup is, it's just not for me. I kept imagining drinking the fruit syrup from a can of fruit while eating it and I just couldn't do it. 

Quesadilla. Fruit soup and cinna-sugar tortillas. 

For dessert I made chocolate mousse and the raspberry chocolate cake was store bought. Only half the cake is shown because I am openly guilty of stress eating and half of the cake was eaten the previous day. My gift to my hubs was writing him several letters to open throughout the year during certain situations. Good situations. Bad situations. Whatever. I was scanning through Pinterest for ideas and I landed on this "Open when..." idea and just decided on my own topics.

Pia made her pappa a little card which turns her hands into a heart when opened.

I really think some of the sweetest stories are told from the least romantic people. That's kind of why I'm against showering with gifts and other "romantic" things. 

Mine and the hubs' style is more like this: Writing to each other. Homemade cards. Talking and talking and talking. It's just showing we love one another with our time and being completely open, honest with one another just to know what's really inside these wrinkly brains of ours.

Disclaimer: The picture below is SUPER staged. My table is never that clean and dessert (if it doesn't come from a crinkly package) is just plopped on a plate, not served on a platter!

Oh and last, but not least, my card from The World's Most Romantic Man in the World......

What it actually says, "When YOU'RE not with me A PAIN
runs through my heart." Awww, so so sweet. 

To be perfectly honest, this was absolutely the best Valentine's Day I have ever had!

Just subtly putting this out there.... now on Facebook!


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