Away with words

The title isn't a typo. It's just a really bad pun which I hope you get. ;-)

I have kicked my studying norsk up a notch. I'm now studying this language a couple of hours a day. Quite frankly, I am beginning to freak out about my upcoming job search in the fall. I think my worst nightmare is probably being at home with nothing to do. I fear I won't know the language well enough to find work, or I will have to settle for a job at the "bottom of the barrel." Though there isn't anything wrong with that, it's just not something I'd prefer to do. Most importantly, I just want to feel productive, like I'm doing something and I'm helping support my tiny family.

Phew! When I put it like that, it only makes my anxiety go through the roof! The only way to solve this problem is to study norsk and get over my self-consciousness of speaking norsk.

To help myself learn on the go, I've attached a small notepad to my keyring. If I hear or see a word I don't understand, I write it down and translate it.

It's simple and helps me learn some unknown words if I'm out.

Though I don't get out much these days and I don't have many words written in my mini notepad, I have found this helpful to memorize new words.

I actually found this notepad keyring on eBay for about 14 kroner or so ($2) if anyone else is interested in trying this technique as well. 

I apologize for the short post as I'm currently working on a longer post giving some pointers on travelling with an infant. :-)

Good evening everyone!


Anonymous said…
Hm I didn't get the pun, can you give a hint? :)
The keyring was smart, good idea to know the words for things in your local area.
Debbie Petras said…
I understand Norwegian much better than what I speak. My parents spoke Norwegian in our home when I was growing up. But they spoke it between themselves so we kids wouldn't know what they were saying. However we were quite clever and over the years managed to figure out much of it. Now I wish I had learned to speak Norwegian better. I know phrases and sayings and a little bit of everything but I don't feel confident to carry on a conversation. I understand your anxiety!
Evelyn Sand said…
In English we have a saying, "A way with words" if a person is a smooth talker. I used "away with words" because this is a language learning technique I use when I am "away."

See, I told you it was a bad pun. ;-)
Anonymous said…
ohh I get it now, didn't see that one, I thought it meant "removing the words".
It wasn't such a bad pun, just hidden :)

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