Weddings are for Girls

Just to update with wedding stuff...

I'm beginning to realize that I'm really not cut out for wedding planning. I don't understand a lot of it and at the end of the episode of planning I'm usually saying with a sigh, "Why is this necessary and how much does it cost?"

If there's one thing I could change about weddings it would be its female-centeredness. Something that really bothers me is people telling me it will be the happiest day of my life. Um.. no it won't! Please don't build up this idea that weddings should be fairytale like and my wedding day will be the happiest day of my life. It's very strange to me that people have this mindset of a woman's happiness peaking at her wedding day, then leveling off for her "happily ever after." I can already imagine what one of the happiest days of my life will be and I'm certain a very happy day for me will be the day I wake up in Norway on May 26th and reality has totally sunk in and I now realize I'm beginning my life in Skien married to Arild. It will certainly not be our (notice I say OUR and not MY) wedding day on May 18th. May 12th will also be a great day (aka the day Arild arrives in America) which also signifies the day we will be together with no more of those awful goodbyes. We can be around one another constantly, argue, nitpick, and nag one another like normal couples. Just kidding about that last sentence of course. :-) So many great times approaching! :-)

I could certainly rant and rave about this topic, but poor Arild hears enough of it, so I'll limit the extremeness of my ranting to his ears exclusively. ;-) I just have major issues with a couples ceremony meant to celebrate the beginning of THEIR life together is completely built around the bride. A bride walks down the aisle, she's given a standing ovation and all eyes on her. The groom has backs turned to him. I suppose this is somewhat romantic in the sense that all eyes are on her, but her eyes are only on the groom and I can understand that, but I just get this sick feeling thinking about all of this wedding non-sense. I deeply believe the couple should go into marriage and live their marriage as equal partners. Neither should be placed on a pedestal.

I do guiltily admit, now that my wedding dress is gone to be altered to fit my dwarf body and I can no longer try it on when I'm at home, but I do enjoy wearing my veil and my wedding shoes anxious to wear them for the actual day. :-) I am glad I've had the enjoyment of planning my wedding and I'm so so thankful I have aunts helping me! I'll just be more than happy when this wedding planning/ moving/ finishing up school is already over with. :-) 59 days until Arild's arrival, 65 until the wedding, 71 until the move.

To end with what ended up me ranting anyways, I just hate feeling like the groom is forgotten on what should be one of the most memorable days of the couples life. He's just expected to show up. (Well, not Arild, he has a to-do list!!!) This is a major fault in society. I find this sad that weddings are overwhelmingly based on flowers, dresses, shoes, decorations, this and that all for aesthetic pleasure. The meaning seems to be forgotten in mass society. More importantly, the point I'm making is because of this commercialism of weddings, men just aren't as "involved" as they should be.

However, an aunt recently texted me saying we should get together baby pictures of Arild and I to place on the mantle of the fireplaces inside the home the reception will be held. So we've been going through baby pictures and here's some cuteness for ya!
This is me. 3 and daydreaming. :-) 

This is my husband. Cute. Chubby. Wearing a cowboy hat. :-)


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