Alt for Norge!

This past Sunday was the premier for season 3 Alt for Norge! In English the translation is 'All for Norway.' The show is about 12 Americans with Norwegian heritage coming to Norway and learning the culture of their ancestors. The reality show has them competing in various tasks somehow dealing with Norwegian culture or history. The winner over the course of 12 weeks wins $50,000 and they get to meet their living relatives in Norway.

America has about the same amount of Norwegian-Americans as there are actual ethnic Norwegians in Norway. Norwegian Americans

I love the show, but I wish it were available for Americans to watch... free. It is available for Americans, but at a price. How Americans Can Watch Alt for Norge

For those curious, here's the season premier for the show and here's a peek at the next episode sneak peek at the next episode.

For me, it's just fun to watch other Americans and what they think about Norway. Of course the show emphasizes the Norwegian culture they throw at these Americans and show them things like a "typical Norwegian breakfast" which is fish products and caviar. BLEH!!!!! I can't say any Norwegian I know eats a breakfast like that.

If I were to take a wild guess, I would say this contestant were to win this season. Meet Alf!

If interested here are clips from the previous seasons of the show : Alt for Norge Season 1
Opening of Season 2


Unknown said…
Much cheaper would be to use something like SmartDNS or one of the services just like it for a few bucks a month.

I've been using it to watch NRK for a while now with no problems.
Evelyn Sand said…
Takk skal du ha!!! Oh thanks for the heads up! I'll send this link to some family and friends as they were wanting to watch the show from USA! :-)
Susan Alexa said…
Ooooh! Thanks for posting this! While visiting my guy in Norway I literally became addicted to this show. He just sent me an email with updates from the most recent episode (he also got his family addicted to it!) and I was SO JEALOUS!

I'm seriously super addicted to this and I can't wait to get up to date on episodes 2 and 3!

And... I totally have Alf pegged for the winner!
Evelyn Sand said…
The show is great, isn't it? :-) Hope you're able to get up to date on the show soon!!!! :-)

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