In Norwegian News...

Long story short, man and  his mom are in a rental car in Arizona, they get lost and start going down a one-way street... the wrong way. There's a festival of sorts going on which they disturb, the man rolls down his car window and gets punched in the nose, so he drives away and drives over a person's foot. The police are called and he and his mother are arrested, the mother was released, but he is sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. Why? The court says he had a deadly weapon. What is the deadly weapon? The car.

 Either this has been severely blown out of proportion or something in this story is missing.

Norwegian Man Sentenced to 7.5 Years in Arizona Prison <---- a Norwegian site

Same as above just an Arizona news site

I'm of course not going to spend my posts on here writing about Breivik for a couple of reasons, 1- I've recently been reading up on these people who actually exist to my disbelief who share his same mentality and think he's done the right thing. They're like followers of him or something and well, it's hard for me to totally understand as it's all so very cult-ish. I think adding more on the subject just adds fuel to the fire for these unfortunate brainwashed individuals and 2- this reason goes hand in hand with reason number one, but he's totally narcissistic and wants his name as well as his radical beliefs spread. I am following the trial and I read articles on this daily, but I will refuse to post much at all about him for these reasons.

I will say, in today's news 40,000 people gathered in Oslo and others gathered in various parts of Norway and sang a song. Anyways, the song was, "Children of the Rainbow" which is a song Breivik hates as it's about multiculturalism.

40,000 gather to sing Children of the Rainbow

An American who experienced this today in Oslo! =D

I also can't help but comment, I am really impressed with how Norway is handling this. A week after July 22nd there was a peace rally in Skien as well as many other places. Now during the trial there's this get together of people singing a song about multiculturalism. Speaking from an American perspective, Norway is of course a small country and isn't too well known in the states and unfortunately this event put Noway in the news and out in the spotlight. However, what I'm most impressed with is how Norwegians are taking this horrific event and turning it into something which makes the country more unified and stronger and they're doing it in a peaceful manner without retaliating. I really think the way they've decided to handle things surrounding this is an example to follow. :-)


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