E Names

I'm still on my home decorating kick, which I'm not too great at, so when this phase I'm going through blows over I'll be happy. Before even moving into my new home I was looking at ideas on the site, Pinterest. I decided I wanted wall letters somewhere in the home, but to decorate them even more I wanted to put maps on them. This is still just an idea that hasn't been put into action yet. "A & E" are the letters I hoped to put maps on. A road map of Norway on the letter "A" for the letter "E" a road map of Kentucky and a road map of our honeymoon destination on the "&." That's the plan.

Well, a few weeks ago we went looking for these letters and there were no E's to be found. The reason being so many people in Norway have a name beginning with E. Edvard, Edvan, Eli, Elin, Elias, Eirik, Erik, Emma, Emilie, Eira, Ella, Espen, Eva, Einar.... just to name a few. Even all the future kid names I have picked out begin with E (with or without approval from the hubs!) Personally, I think Evelyn Jr. is a great name! He doesn't share my excitement though.

 I'm totally joking about this of course! :-)

So what to do when all the E letters are gone? Improvise!

A & Æ 

Thankfully there's the letter Æ. The plan is to cut the A off the Æ to make an E and viola I have the A & E letters!  

Why there are so many E names in Norway, I really don't know. I have noticed some names beginning with E in Norway are sometimes names beginning with A in the English language. For instance, Amelia and Emilia.  


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