Weekend Bliss

Before meeting the husband, if I could have moved anywhere in the world guilt-free, it would have been a close tie between Iceland and Canada, but I would have probably moved to Canada. Not in the sense of getting upset over a disappointing election and giving the popular threat, "Looks like we're moving to Canada!" either. If I could have moved anywhere in the US before, I would have probably chosen Washington - not Washington D.C. (I hear only crazy people live there) but the state of Washington. Living in a place with huge pine trees, a coast line and mountains, and is mostly cool and known for rainy days. That seems like a great place to live in my book. So here I am in Norway. The country with the second lowest population density in Europe, covered in pine trees, a mountain here, there and everywhere, crisp cool air, and surrounded by the Atlantic everywhere except that border to Sweden (and Finland and Russia.)

 I've only started really paying attention to the weather since moving to Norway. Some days I really miss the warmth. I miss the sun and I have learned to make the most of any day the sun decides to peek its bright yellow self out from the clouds. On sunny days here in Norway I can be found lying outside trying to soak up as much vitamin D as possible. I love the sun. I love warm sunny days. REALLY love them.

Something I love much, much more? Being content with a rainy day. Nothing really beats that feeling - that feeling of being very okay with the bad weather and saying, "What the heck, this is good book reading weather!"  I love sitting on the love seat with a book, a blanket and a cat and being perfectly content with the sound of rain and crisp cool Norwegian breeze from the open terrace door. Even painting something sounds perfectly blissful and therapeutic even.

Happy weekend, everyone! :-)


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