In Today's News

One thing for certain is the difference between Norwegian and Kentucky/ American news. Our news channels have stories filled with kidnappings, murders, shootings, weather, assault charges, robberies, politics, war, etc. etc. etc. and then we have commercial breaks with advertisements of anti-depressants. Their news is well, more innocent. Here's the perfect example of this difference. One is the main news story today in Arild's town, Skien. The other is the main news story for today in the Louisville, Kentucky area.

Who Can Save the Little Duckling?   <----- Skien, Norway

Louisville's Most Notorious Murder Suspect in Court on Assault Charges <----- Lousiville, KY, USA

Saving a duck trapped in fishing line (and attempts at contacting police over this issue) and a trigger happy murdering thug. Our news is on total opposite ends of the spectrum! I just thought I'd share this amusement today! :-)


546875687sdf said…
Was happy to find your blog today - came here from expat Bloggers :)

I've noticed the news change between England and Norway - I have to agree the norwegian news is so cute and innocent most of the time! Though its not to say bad things don't happen, I've seen worse news about incidents in Norway on BBC UK news than here.
Anonymous said…
haha! good thing skien is like that :) i live in bergen and the news is definitely about murder, drugs, and other things over this way. blahh!

found you on expat blog and look forward to following your journey to this country!
Evelyn Sand said…
Thanks for the comments! It's so nice to have some interaction with others familiar with Norway and from at that! :-) Well, this article from Skien was probably furthest on the innocent spectrum compared to our news which is why I chose it. I know it's not puppies and rainbows everyday or ducklings, but I do find Norwegian news very interesting.

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