Louisville Speaks Scandinavian

Something I listen to quite often is this Norwegian girl on youtube. Her videos are really helpful in learning the language. I think I'm beginning to realize now that when I take my classes in August they may be a bit slow paced for the sake of others that say have to learn an entirely new alphabet and what not, so a lot of my learning will probably be done on my own or well, simply being immersed in the culture.We'll just have to wait and see, but that is my assumption. Karin's Norwegian Teaching Anyways, I find this young lady's videos interesting and extremely helpful.

I am now finally able to pronounce "clothes" properly in Norwegian now! Klaer. :-) I've been able to spell it, but I find pronunciation tricky with this word as well as many others.

Oh and I also learned a new sentence today as well. Jeg er sikker. Which is, "I am sure." So this morning I wrote to Arild, "Jeg er sikker." He wrote back in English, "Sure about what?" In my broken Norwenglish I wrote back to him, "Jeg er sikker du er sote, mushy norsk mann." "I am sure you are a sweet, mushy Norwegian man." :-)

My version of lefse! Bananas, sugar, cinnamon and butter.
Finally, I just got home from my first meeting with this group Louisville Speaks Scandinavian. It was fun! A lot better than expected! Tonight's meeting only included 2 Swedes, 1 woman interested in Swedish, the nice gentleman that holds the meetings who has an interest in Norwegian, and then there was me. It was held at a German restaurant and I'm not TOO fond of German food, BUT I had crepes with goat cheese, some kind of berry sauce and walnuts. YUM! Something interesting though is they served lefse there as well! Lefse is a Norwegian potato type bread and from my understanding you just choose the filling to roll in it. Anyways, a lot of discussion on visiting Sweden/ Norway, how things are pronounced, language learning methods, our interests in Scandinavia, observations of culture and language from an American point of view as well as observations from the Scandinavian point of view.  The group was small and welcoming so it was easy to warm up and join and be a part of the group! :-) A recent project I'm working on in my parenting class is making information pamphlets about bilingual parenting. Which was also briefly discussed at the meeting to my surprise! :-) I'll have more information on this particular topic later! :-) I look forward to next month's meeting and hope to bring Arild with me to the last meeting I'll attend in May.

Getting away from the language talk.... WEDDING PLANNING! Everything is going great and falling into place! I'm super mellow about things now and aside from needing my dress altered (that will be done tomorrow) I'm down to tying little bags of mints with blue ribbon to sit on the tables at the reception. :-)

Now onto the moving process! Last week I shipped 2 more boxes, our plane tickets are now bought (Stella's as well) and I have yet to tape up some more already packed boxes and have them ready to ship out. :-) May 24th is officially my last day in the U.S.!

Ha det bra! Vi sees!


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