Lilyhammer Critique

I am now finished watching the season of Lilyhammer. I have to admit, I really liked the show. I don't think I liked the main character, I thought he was sexist, violent, manipulative, and "righting wrongs" for freedom's sake. All things that make the show entertaining I suppose. I do like the show though and it really helps watching with learning the language. In some ways I think it gives the wrong image of the country as in the American gangster main character disapproving of what I would best call "way of life" for Norwegians. It's breeding ground for ethnocentrism from an American point of view, BUT again this is what makes the show entertaining! All 8 episodes tend to show some aspect of this and the theme of the show is based around that while still maintaining the story line. This is an extremely  minor part of the show, but for example, ( I will try to tip toe my way around trying to give away any spoilers!!!) in one episode it shows the non-violent tendencies of Norwegians and how to work through conflict peacefully. A child is bullied, other Norwegians talk to the bully, but Giovanni (main character) sees fit to speak with the child victim of bullying and tells him to fill his mittens with rocks and hit the bully, teaches that it's right to stand up for himself and he doesn't understand this "talking" stuff. Another MINOR part of this particular episode was a jail or prison scene where Giovanni walks into a cell and asks the officer, "Where's the mini bar?" as it looks like a small motel room. The cop replies with something to the extent of, "In Norway prisons we think when you are in nice surroundings you feel better on the inside." The show briefly shows prison scenes to get a glimpse of prison life and ends with Giovanni comparing Norwegian prisons to Christian summer camp. Overall, great show and I can't wait for the 2nd season though I have read in an article there is no certainty on a set date. :-)


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