Summer Plans 2012 :-)

We're still in winter and apparently February 2nd shown us we will have 6 more weeks of it according to the national tradition of Groundhog's Day. I've recently realized something, well I realized it when I was in Norway, even more so now since we did have a few cold days recently,but Norwegians have great insulation in their homes! They should anyways since they live in a cold climate. Arild thought this was funny when the other day I was complaining about being cold and shivering and told him I wish I were back in Norway. :-) In Kentucky, I come home and I turn the heat on and wrap in a blanket. At my new home I was comfortable inside wearing a tanktop. I was also a bit weirded out when I walked barefoot into the bathroom for the first time because the floor was amazingly warm. I took into consideration Arild told me before that the floor is heated, but what I thought he meant was the vents were in the floors like they are in some homes. Nope, the actual floor is heated! I was very impressed with that. HOWEVER, they have no air conditioning in their homes! So this summer I'll find out for myself what it will be like to wake up under a thick blanket and have sunlight hitting me in the face at 4 in the morning with 60 degree weather.While I'm on the topic, Arild has informed me of what they call a "tropical night" in Norway... a 68 F (20 C) degree night is called "tropical." I have to laugh at this! Silly Norwegians. :-)

Another thing I've noticed for the past year or so in comparing Norwegian and Kentucky weather is this: Norwegian weather is cold and stable. It's never as warm as it is in Kentucky, but occasionally they'll have warmer temperature than us. It gradually gets cold and stays cold and then gradually warms up, the snow melts in March and April and they have a mild summer. 70- 80 degrees F is an average summer. Kentucky weather is severely bipolar! 2 weeks ago we had 65 degree weather (roughly guesstimating that's like 16 degrees Celsius) and 2 days ago it was 30 degrees (-1 Celsius) today it's 55 (14 C) degrees!If that's not enough we had tornado warnings in January!Our warmer months tend to be the only months consistent with weather. Our in between months (spring and fall) are usually the least stable. Before moving I'm sure I'll look forward to more tornado warnings and very warm weather at least and leave before it gets so hot growing ears of corn turn into pop corn. :-)

 I'm getting a bit anxious for summer already. Arild is soon booking our tickets for my move in May and we're in the process of planning our summer.He has left over vacation time from last year moved to this year so he can spend extra time in helping me adjust. I have my own major plans for decorating my new home and what not like reorganizing the storage room and making it a pantry/ storage room and adding house plants. The poor bachelor needs some life in his home! I think this will be a fun project for me to work on this summer. Wait--- did I just say fun??? Oh the joys of adulthood!  :-) There is of course the extra room which will be Stella's and reserved for my "Evelyn-cave" I suppose. Arild was talking about making an art corner in there so I can get back into painting again. :-) There are a ton of projects I'd like to get started on once settled.

As far as actual things to do that we have planned are of course more trips to Langesund. I absolutely love that place and it was my favorite of all the places we visited during the week I was there. Thankfully it's only a 20-25 minute drive away!!! I think we also plan on picking up tennis as a shared hobby. I'm a bit curious at how this will turn out. If there are any sports I'd try it would be badmiton or tennis, but I'm sure it will turn out badly. :-)  We're definitely taking a trip to the zoo in Kristiansand. :-)  Kristiansand Zoo or Dyreparken (The Animal Park) I think we also discussed a possible trip to Sweden. I mentioned to him how interesting it must be to be able to drive and be in another country and he said "Can't you drive into Canada or Mexico?" Good point! He did tell me shopping is cheaper in Sweden than in Norway so there are malls built at the Swedish border to attract Norwegians.I'm just more concerned about sightseeing another country than shopping, but we'll see. I'm not sure if this will work out or not, but every Friday I'd like to visit him at work on his lunch break. We'll see how that works out when the time comes around!

I'm also going to spend time with his mother and with her help, learn the language more before classes start in August. Arild informed me jealously that I would probably be texting him while he's at work, "Hey! Your mom and I are sipping on lemonade and soaking up sun! I love you and remember to have a GREAT day at work!" There's also learning how to drive his car. I'm not very familiar with a 5-speed car, so I also have to learn how to drive one and take my driver's test sometime within a year of moving. So this is it! I think I have a great summer to look forward to with time to spend with him and getting adjusted to my new home.

Soon after arriving in May I'll try going to my first soccer (football) game with the hubby. I will give it a chance, but it is a sport and the chances of me enjoying it will be slim to none, but I will just quit thinking that and try to remain open minded until I experience watching Odd Grenland play. Heia Odd! I've watched soccer games with him before and it wasn't so bad, but I have no idea what is going on and I think I was reading a book all times we watched it. This summer is actually something big with soccer in Europe. World Championships or something? All I know is Arild told me if I don't like soccer, I'm really going to hate it by the time this summer is over. :-)

Oh and here's a little site for the classes I'll be taking in August. Adult Norwegian and Social Classes for Immigrants I will be taking the classes during the day while he's at work. I'm unsure on the time the classes will be held, but I think they said to contact them closer to the move so we will talk to them in April or May about what to do. So I will of course update more on that. As far as what I've heard from American expatriates, their impression is the classes are easy and the language is simple to learn, but sometimes the classes are frustrating since it may be slower paced for the benefit of other immigrants from non-Western countries.


Arild B. Sand said…
And we might be going to a music festival if enough good bands are coming and also possible free flight to Bergen! And possible honeymoon! We'll see how much we do now or save for later but I think it will be a busy summer. :-) And of course the garden party the week after you arrive.
Paige said…
If you need some quick tennis lessons before you go, I can help. I love to play!


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