O Summer, Where Art Thou?

When comparing countries as a whole, I can say language is the single biggest difference in comparing America and Norway. (If you were to ask Arild what he thought the biggest difference was, he'd say the water level in American and European toilets! HAHA)

When comparing Kentucky and Norway, I think weather is first and language is second. Other than that, the differences are minor.

Kentucky summers are too hot. Norwegian summers (in my 3 week experience of living here) are too cold!

I've never paid too much attention to weather or really cared too much about it until recently. I'm checking up on how things are in Kentucky and of course I still have no idea how to dress here. In my mind I'm screaming, "SUMMER!!!" but the way it feels outside here in Norway is more like March in Kentucky.

I knew one of my biggest problems would be the weather. Especially summer. Having spent every summer of my life in Kentucky I've been so adapted to very hot (TOO hot!) and humid summers. I've been so used to not having to think about dressing and just put on shorts, a t-shirt or tank top and slide on flip flops -if I didn't dare to go barefoot. I'd complain because it would be too hot to sleep at night and we'd have weather advisories on the TV some days warning us to stay indoors and drink plenty of fluids and take precaution if we must be outside. I'd also complain at times because the humidity would sometimes take your breath away. It's not so bad being in temperatures like that... when you're at a beach - not out and about mowing grass, watering plants, or some actually have to work out in that heat.

Skien seems to be just the opposite.... it's been a stable 55-60 degrees F with cool, crisp breezes. When standing in the sun, it's warm and pleasant, but stepping out of sunlight is well, cold. I keep being told here in Norway so far the weather has been too cold for the average June month, but I'm not seeing any change in temperature until next week when the perfect temperature of high 60s and low 70s settles in! :-) Hopefully! *fingers crossed*

For the first time ever, I've had to wear a sweater and actually wear socks in June. Granted, it has been rainy here and I can understand that lowering the temp, but I am really missing some warmth. I'm thinking if the weather doesn't change, one of my favorite parts of our upcoming honeymoon will be going somewhere warm. :-)

When I first arrived here, well, it was quite warm, but gradually started cooling down and I had no choice but to start adding layers of clothing and my reluctance to give up flip flops had to go. This is all taking some getting used to. I can only expect the summer to end in 2 months and fall to stay a bit , then welcome a long winter and snow, snow, snow.

 There is a good side to all of this... being a person who gets cold and typically stays cold, I get to snuggle with a warm Norwegian. :-)


forcryeye said…
You have just made sense of my life. Why is it I just can't tolerate the heat? My Norwegian blood! LOL...seriously though, I hear your plight...let's at least have some warmth! ;)
Evelyn Sand said…
Perhaps that's why you can't tolerate the heat! I am glad to announce there is FINALLY some warmth in Norway! :-)
Tip said…
Sharing your exact same sentiments. I am from mumbai India and believe me that we have the same kentucky summers back home in Mumbai. Its end of july and its 8 degrees celsius outside. Really summer. Where art thou?

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