Scenic Norway

                            In Other Recent Events.... while I'm trying to stay out of trouble! ;-)

I received some disappointing news on the phone the other day. I was supposed to take my social studies classes this month, but after receiving a call from the language class office, I was informed the classes are already full. So, that leaves me having to wait until the next time these classes are given in English which could be next summer.

I am breath taken by how scenic Norway is. I think this place is absolutely beautiful and I'm beginning to think the cold weather is in Norway's favor because I'm pretty sure if it were much warmer here this place would be a major tourist attraction. In which case, I wouldn't want to live here, but it's cold and to my knowledge there aren't many tourists in Skien unless you're a die-hard Henrik Ibsen enthusiast. He's known as the 2nd greatest playwright - the 1st being Shakespeare and he was born and raised in Skien, which a lot of his plays are thought to be based on. That's the extent of my knowledge on this guy. He's the statue I'm standing with and holding his hand in the blog picture and he's everywhere here.

Anyways, Norwegian scenery... I love how I can be standing in a parking garage for example and be able to snap a scenic photo or just be walking along a sidewalk and find a bit of scenery to take a picture of.
Coming home from "date night" and stopped at a small park
to take this picture of the other side of the river. This is
almost 11:00 PM. 
I was standing in a parking garage when this picture was taken.
My husband enjoys taking me to new areas along my favorite place, so I enjoy getting some good pictures.

Taking a break from our hike and sitting on the rocks! 

There were several of these purple flowers growing along the rocks
This was the same town on a different day. 


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